Volunteer Resources
The Hillside Woods Restoration Project is guided by the Hillside Woods & Park Tree Inventory & Urban Forest Management Plan and aims to restore a healthy habitat in Hillside Woods. Volunteers are invited to to help remove invasive plants, shrubs and vines and replant with approved varieties.
Please do not remove or plant anything in HW without consulting the project coordinators.
Volunteer Resources
Sign-up form to attend a session on a current project (directs to signup.com).
We can create tailored internships for students and we offer community service hours. Contact us for more info.
Google form to log hours worked. Make a new entry for each day worked if possible (you can bundle together if you've got a backlog!).
Download EpiCollect5 from the App Store or Google Play
Protect Our Woods' Facebook page
Hillside Woods' new Trail MapZoom recording from our June 2020 volunteer intro and slide deck from the zoom for invasive tree marking and survey project
Step-by-step instruction deck on how to survey trees with EpiCollect5
Tips for volunteers:
do not venture into the woods if you hear thunder or if it is windy
Email us if you have any questions or suggestions. No question too small!
With help from Hastings fantastic volunteers, we have, so far:
Measured and collected data on over 1600 invasive trees
Surveyed and collected data on over 850 Japanese barberry shrubs and removed half of these (as of 8/15/22)
Conducted over 30 privet and honeysuckle removal sessions, working from the Meadow down to Vernal Pond
Installed a kiosk at the Chemka Pool entrance with Protect Our Woods
Renovated the Hillside Woods trail map with Adam Hart
Reblazed the trails and repaired a trail water bar
Logged over 1500 hours of volunteer time
Built this woods-dedicated website
We've never done this before. As we encounter rocks in the path, we'll work together to smooth the way. Please email us with any difficulty navigating the system we've devised, problems on the trail, questions about particular trees, or anything at all.